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Doreen Valiente (Ameth) (1922-1999)

Doreen is well-known in the world of Witchcraft. Not only did she know  Gardner and many of the other early Wica, but she also explored other traditions of Witchcraft and worked with Raymond Howard in the Coven of Atho and Robert Cochrane in his Clan of Tubal Cain. Doreen's inquisitive and questing personality meant that she amassed much knowledge which helped her write several books on the subject of Witchcraft. A woman truly worthy of the title 'The Mother of Modern Witchcraft'.

  • A general overview on Doreen can be read here on Wikipedia

Doreen Valiente's Books: 
DV strip books2.png

​Articles by or featuring Doreen
  • Read an article by Doreen that appeared in Psychic News on the 13th January 1962 here.

  • Read a San Francisco News Article (December 7th 1962) about Doreen Valiente here.

  • An article Doreen wrote about Witchcraft, which appeared in Predicition (May 1964) can be found here.

  • A newspaper article about Doreen's involvement in the creation of the Witchcraft Research Association. (Daily Argus Sept 29th, 1964) can be found here

  • An article from Prediction (December 1964) written by Justine C. Glass, about the W.R.A. can be found here

  • Pentagram, the newsletter for the Witchcraft Research Association, features several articles by Doreen. You can read Pentagram here.

  • You can find an article featuring Doreen which appeared in the Brighton Evening Argus (April 25th 1984) here.

  • There are several articles about Doreen Valiente in French here.

Video Clips

A short video of Doreen's magical beneficiary, John Belham-Payne, saying something about Doreen's passing, in 1999.

A video about Doreen Valiente's final residence getting a 'blue plaque' of recognition.

Watch a 1989 video called 'Earth Magic' which features Doreen Valiente. The quality isn't great but it's lovely to hear Doreen speak.

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