Related Links
www.geraldgardner.com - Great site about Gerald Gardner.
www.museumofwitchcraft.com - Website for the Boscastle Museum of Witchcraft and Magic.
www.bricketwoodcoven.co.uk - Website for the official Bricket Wood Coven.
www.doreenvaliente.com - Website about Doreen Valiente.
www.wishanbooks.org - Website with rare facsimile reissues of rare Witchcraft books of historical value.
www.callaighe.com/ - The website of Janet and Stewart Farrar, and Gavin Bone.
www.clanoftubalcain.org.uk - The Website of the Clan of Tubal Cain
www.deadfamilies.com/Z3-Others/Others-Index-Page.htm - Has great research on early Craft and Cunning-folk figures.
www.controverscial.com/Gerald%20Brosseau%20Gardner.htm - A small biography about Gardner.
www.isle-of-man.com/manxnotebook/towns/castltwn/witch.htm - Notes on 'The Witches Mill'.
lawica.free.fr/ - Great website about Gardner (FRENCH)
www.gardnerian.de - German website (https://translate.google.com can translate websites)
www.newwiccanchurch.org - The New Wiccan Church website.
www.paganfed.org - UK Pagan Federation website.
www.witchcraft.org - Children of Artemis Website.
www.wiccan.gr - Greek website about the Craft
Magical Links
www.hermeticgoldendawn.org - The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
www.hogd.co.uk - The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in Britain.
www.orderroseandcross.org - The Order of the Rose and Cross.
www.ifdawn.com - Home of the magical interactive Kabbalah.
www.digital-brilliance.com/kab - Hermetic Kabbalah.
www.digital-brilliance.com/kab/nok/NoK.pdf - Great Online book by Colin Low.
www.halexandria.org/home.htm - Has some excellent articles dealing with magic and science.
www.wendricharthouse.com - A friends Magical Artwork website. Some really amazing stuff on here!
www.thelogos.co.uk - A creative interpretation of the Kabbalah.
standrewsghosttours.com - The best ghost tour in Scotland!
The Book of Daenerys - Another side of life.